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News Releases

  • Blue Diamond Growers Sues Freedom Foods for Fraud and Breach of Contract

    On September 25, 2020, Blue Diamond Growers (“BDG”), a California-based cooperative of independent almond growers with over US $1.5 billion in annual sales, commenced two proceedings in
    California against Sydney-based Freedom Foods Pty Ltd. (“Freedom”), a subsidiary of publicly-traded Freedom Foods Group Limited (ASX FNP).

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  • Blue Diamond Growers Welcomes China Expansion of Specialty Crop Imports

    Last week the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced that China, under the Phase 1 trade agreement, will expand the number of specialty crops it imports from the U.S., including a number of California grown crops.

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  • Blue Diamond® Growers Celebrates 110-Year Anniversary with Key Expansions at Its Central Valley Facilities

    Blue Diamond® Growers marked its 110-year anniversary today with announcements about the completion of two key infrastructure expansions!

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  • Blue Diamond Growers Applauds the Presidential Signing of USMCA

    Blue Diamond® applauds President Trump for signing the United States Mexico Canada Agreement.

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  • Blue Diamond® Unveils New Almond Protein Powder, Available Exclusively on Amazon

    Blue Diamond Growers today announced its first major new product of 2020 – Blue Diamond® Almond Protein Powder.

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Annual Reports